Published inTowards Data ScienceUsing Fourier Transform of Vector Representations Derived from BERT Embeddings for Semantic…Exploring the mutual influence of words in a sentence by evaluating different representations of BERT embeddingsJan 14, 2023Jan 14, 2023
Published inTowards Data ScienceGenerating Sentence-Level Embedding Based on the Trends in Token-Level BERT EmbeddingsHow to derive sentence-level embedding from word embeddingsJan 5, 20231Jan 5, 20231
Published inTowards Data ScienceDiscovering Trends in BERT Embeddings of Different Levels for the Task of Semantic Context…How to extract information about the context of a sentence with BERT model outputsDec 22, 20221Dec 22, 20221
Published inLevel Up CodingNeural Networks for Market Indicators AnalysisNeural networks have been successfully used to tackle a wide range of challenging problems in science and engineering. The example in this…Jun 23, 2021Jun 23, 2021
Stock Price Analysis with Deep LearningIn recent times, the field of machine learning has largely shifted to neural networks. While a neural network (a deep learning model)…Jun 2, 2021Jun 2, 2021
Published inLevel Up CodingStock Price Analysis with Machine LearningBeing a robust method of data analysis that enables building of applications that can learn from data, machine learning is used in many…May 9, 20212May 9, 20212
Published inTowards Data ScienceUsing Word Vectors to Mathematically Find Words with Similar MeaningsCalculating the Semantic Similarity of Texts ProgrammaticallyNov 7, 2020Nov 7, 2020
Published inLevel Up CodingPython For Finance: Improve Your Stock Trading Performance with ScriptingIf you search for ways to improve your stock investment skills, you’ll definitely find ‘do some research’ among other things.Jul 29, 2020Jul 29, 2020
Published inLevel Up CodingGetting Started with Stock Market Analysis in PythonIt’s quite common nowadays to employ computer technologies to predict stock returns. Thus, many stock prediction algorithms rely on the…Jul 1, 20201Jul 1, 20201